We run or foster a variety of support groups for all members, members with a special interest and their carers. See a calendar of our weekly ACT groups here, and learn more about each one below.
Support groups include:
- General Support Group Meetings
- Young Onset Group
- Women with Parkinson’s
- Guys and Games Gathering
- Carers Coffee
- Men Who Care
General Support Group Meeting (Also known as the Tuesday Group)
This is an informal meeting to give members the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences. The group is open to anyone who is living with Parkinson’s or carers for someone with Parkinson’s
WHEN? 6:00PM – 7.30PM, Every 4th Tuesday of the Month
WHERE? THRFG Parkinson’s Office. Unit 6, 32 Thesiger Court Deakin ACT 2600
For all enquiries, please call 0458 244 452 or email [email protected]
Young Onset Group
The Young Onset Group in Canberra was established in 2018.
This is not a typical support group: it acknowledges that people diagnosed under 50 (Young Onset) have different needs. The objective is to get in touch with other Young Onset people in our region with a view to having occasional get-togethers, to chat and share experiences, just as the Young @ Park groups in other regions do.
If you’re interested in joining us, you can message our closed Facebook group ‘Young at Park Canberra’, or alternatively, please contact THRFG – Parkinson’s Office on 1800 644 189 or email [email protected]

Women with Parkinson’s
This is a warm, welcoming and safe group where women can share their experiences of living with Parkinson’s. The group was established by Parkinson’s ACT members Margaret Healey and Marilyn Nelson and has continued to be a place of connection and information sharing. Join us for a cuppa and a chat, share information and be with people who will understand and support you. Meetings are held monthly and the location alternates between Higgins and Deakin.
WHEN? 12:30pm – 2:30pm, the 1st Thursday of the month
- THRFG – Parkinson’s Office. Unit 6, 32 Thesiger Court Deakin ACT &
- The Henry Clubhouse – 94 Fullagar Cres, Higgins ACT.
- Please check with the group coordinator as to where the next meeting will be held.
FACILITATOR: Jenny Miragaya
For all enquiries, please contact THRFG Parkinson’s office on 1800 644 189 or email [email protected]
Guys and Games Gathering
This is a group for men with Parkinson’s. The idea is to meet in a casual and relaxed setting where recreational games form a backdrop to simply chatting. Manuka Tennis Club provides that casual setting but playing tennis is simply an option: the games can range from tennis to boules and Finska, from backgammon and boggle to board games. Scrabble is clearly most popular. The chat ranges from simply social to the sharing of information and experiences of Parkinson’s of course.
For those who want to get on the tennis court, every meet includes a 45-minute tennis-based exercise session run by Manuka coach David Beniamini. Importantly, these sessions cater for all skill and fitness levels. You can be a beginner. The primary emphasis is on exercise and movement, so important for Parkinson’s, while enjoying tennis.
Don’t be dissuaded if you’re not so interested in tennis or games. Come along and meet up with other members. Partners are also welcome.
The group meets 10am-12noon every second and fourth Thursday of the month at Manuka Tennis Club on Flinders Way in Griffith.
Occasionally we schedule extra meets at other venues. Barefoot Bowling at the RUC in Turner is one popular activity, and Croquet at Queanbeyan Croquet Club is another. For these additional meets we particularly enjoy involving spouses and carers in the activities. We’re interested in adding other activities to increase the variety.
WHEN? 10:00am – 12:00pm, the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
WHERE? Manuka Tennis Club, Flinders Way Griffith ACT 2603
FACILITATOR: Martin Pikler
For all enquiries, please contact THRFG – Parkinson’s Office on 1800 644 189 or email [email protected]
Carers Coffee
Carers Coffee is a relaxed and informal gathering of carers who look after a family member or friend with Parkinson’s. Join us for a cup of your favourite beverage and have a short break among people who understand your situation.
The current venue is Yarralumla Gallery and The Oaks Brasserie (next to the Yarralumla Nursery), but we occasionally meet at our the THRFG – Parkinson’s office in Deakin, if we have a guest speaker.
This support group is for carers who care for, or support a person with Parkinson’s, as well as people who’ve cared for people with Parkinson’s. All carers are welcome, and the group is open to men and women.
Of note, there is also a separate support group for Men Who Care.
WHEN? 2:00pm – 3:30pm, the 1st Thursday of the month
WHERE? Yarralumla Gallery and The Oaks Brasserie (next to the Yarralumla Nursery)
For all enquiries, please contact 0434 961 905 or email [email protected]
Men Who Care
Men Who Care is an informal meeting of men who look after a wife/partner with Parkinson’s. We have a cuppa, sometimes a bite to eat, and swap recent experiences, be they with MyAgedCare, NDIS, care providers, residential aged care facilities (respite and permanent), and/or any other current concerns or funny stories we think might interest our fellow carers, or about which we’d appreciate their input.
Our group includes men with recently diagnosed partners as well as those decades ago. We welcome all who seek support with the issues they face.
WHEN? 2:30pm – 4:00pm, the 3rd Wednesday of the month
WHERE? THRFG- Parkinson’s Office. Unit 6, 32 Thesiger Court Deakin ACT
FACILITATOR: Gregor Henderson
For all enquiries please contact the THRFG Parkinson’s Office on 1800 644 189 or email [email protected]